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Thursday, December 11, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
EPIK Life Video Contest Winner
I am beyond excited and truly honored to share that I was chosen as the Grand Prize winner for EPIK's annual video competition!
Ben and I have been filming "little" and "big" moments since we arrived in Korea, and we compiled them into a video documenting our life here.
So, without any further ramblings... I present you with my video, "An EPIK Life for Everyone".
Ben and I have been filming "little" and "big" moments since we arrived in Korea, and we compiled them into a video documenting our life here.
So, without any further ramblings... I present you with my video, "An EPIK Life for Everyone".
Monday, November 24, 2014
Top 12 Travel Items
Finding a perfect balance is difficult. I am still working on it, but I've learned a lot through trial and error.
Hopefully after reading my advice below, you won't have to learn the hard way like I did.
I want to add that we are not getting paid by any of these companies. These items have been good to us, and we want to share the love!
*See my full longterm packing list here.
1. Steripen
This magical hand-held "pen" will purify a liter of water in a matter of seconds... 90, to be exact. It has been an absolute game-changer.
Many other filtering systems require you to "pump" rigorously or they make you wait more than an hour before you can drink the water. And those little dissolvable tablets? Ewww. It tastes like you're drinking from a pool.
The Steripen uses UV light technology, and I can attest that it does actually work.
We used it several times a day while we were in South America, where most of the water is off-limits for drinking. There were even times we used it on hikes to purify stream water when we had run out.
During our three month trip we rarely had to purchase bottled water, saving us well over $180. This baby easily paid for itself, and will continue to save us money in the future.
Travel Tip: There are two versions - one that is chargeable (more expensive), and one that takes AA batteries. We opted for the battery-operated pen since we already have so many devices that need charging. This way, we can carry back-up batteries with us. And if we are ever in dire need of water, we won't have to wait for it to recharge.
2. Eagle Creek Packing Cubes
These are a dream for any type of traveler.
Whether you prefer suitcases and hotels or backpacks and camping, these cubes will organize and compress your belongings into a manageable size.
We use them for clothes, toiletries, and even small electronics.
The proof is in the pictures below:
These are all the clothes I packed for 3 months in South America... |
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...and they all squished down into three packing cubes! |
3. Kindle
I was actually really against the idea of e-readers when they first appeared on the market. I truly love turning the page of a book, and I think I will always prefer reading print on paper to that on a screen.
However, e-readers have so many benefits (especially for travelers) that I finally gave in.
Ben and I each bought a Kindle before our three month trip to South America, and it was such a good investment.
On all my previous travels, I lugged around several books. Not only are they heavy, but I usually finished reading them before the trip was over.
My Kindle solves both of these problems. Now I can bring as many books as I'd like in my backpack without adding bulk. Plus, if another traveler tells me about a book I must read about the country I'm visiting, I can have it in my fingertips with a few clicks of a button.
Travel Tip: Purchasing guidebooks in electronic form will save you a backache. Although we own a hard copy of Lonely Planet's "South America on a Shoestring", we downloaded the electronic version to our Kindles so we didn't have to lug around that 1,112-page brick.
4. GoPro
This is seriously one of our favorite belongings. We actually registered for a GoPro for our wedding, and have been having fun with it ever since our honeymoon. There are so many amazing features, and we are constantly learning new ways to use it.
I am still baffled by the quality of pictures this tiny camera can take! |
Our favorite GoPro accessories:

- "Selfie Stick": This allows the person holding the GoPro to be in the picture or video. There were so many times we wished we had one of these in South America that we bought it as soon as we returned home. We have already gotten a ton of use out of it. We bought ours for super cheap on eBay.
"Selfie stick" picture! |
- Skeleton case: The waterproof case that comes with the GoPro is great, but you will miss out on all the audio. After a few months of completely soundless videos, we decided to get a skeleton case. It is not, I repeat, NOT waterproof, so you can't use it for water activities. But it is great for any situation where you will be staying dry.
- Extra battery: I would suggest getting an extra battery right away. The battery life of the GoPro is not all that great, and there is nothing worse than having it die right in the middle of an exciting adventure. This happened to us multiple times.
5. REI Microfiber Towel

These towels pack up small, but don't let their size fool you. The super absorbent micro-fiber can dry a sopping wet, full-grown man in a few seconds. Yes, we know this from experience.
It dries quickly as well, so you won't be trekking around with a damp and smelly towel.
Travel Tip: There are many sizes to choose from. If you are looking for a full-size towel that you can wrap around yourself after a shower, the extra large is what you want. I returned my original purchase and exchanged it for this size.
6. ENO 2-person Hammock
Whenever anyone asks what our favorite wedding gift was, our ENO hammock comes to mind. Made of parachute material, it packs down to a ball just about the size of a grapefruit. Though it is not a travel necessity, our ENO hammock has brought us many good times.
It's not just for longterm travel - you can bring it on camping trips or string it between trees in your backyard. And yes, it really does fit two adults!
7. Amazon Cloud Account
This is a must for anyone planning on doing longterm travel. It doesn't have to be Amazon specifically - Dropbox or Google Drive are essentially the same. Just be sure you have some way to back up your pictures and important files.
But I have an external hard drive that I save everything to, isn't that enough? Hopefully it is, but I have known many people who get their entire backpacks stolen. Now you've not only lost your camera, but the hard drive it is backed up on as well.
Even if it is for sheer peace of mind, I will always have my files backed up somewhere on the infinite Internet "cloud"... though I still don't really know what that means...
8. Collapsible Cups
We have gotten a ton of use out of these guys. You'd be surprised by how many impromptu glasses of wine we've drank out of them. Well I guess if you know us, you won't be all that surprised...
We even made guacamole in them once when we had nowhere else to prepare a meal.
The best part is they fold up so small that even the most minimalist of travelers will find space to pack them. They are a great staple for longterm travel as well as camping.
9. Headphone Splitter
You can pick these up for under $5, but they are pretty valuable while traveling... if you are lucky enough to be traveling with a companion who shares the same taste in music, that is.
We used these on overnight buses when we wanted to save the battery life on our devices. It also allows more than one person to watch a movie on your laptop, so as not to disturb an entire hostel dorm room.
10. PSI Bands
Bus rides along windy roads sometimes make me a little queasy. Add sketchy street food to that and you don't have a very good situation on your hands.
These bands are great for anyone who easily gets motion sick. They use pressure points to relieve your symptoms, and unlike medicine, they don't have any side effects.
11. Buff
Though it may not look like it, the buff (made famous by Survivor) has many uses. It can be worn like a scarf in the cold, used to wipe away sweat when it's hot, and can tame your hair like a headband. My personal favorite way to use it though, is to cover my eyes when I am in need of some shut-eye on a bus or in a hostel.
12. ASUS

We bought this laptop specifically for traveling. I have a MacBook Pro that I am crazy about, but there is no way I would want to lug around my heavy, 17-inch baby. Plus, I simply can't bear the thought of having it lost, damaged, or stolen, which are all quite likely whilst traveling.
We needed a computer that was lightweight, cheap, and had a large amount of storage. We did a ton of research and decided on this one.
We use this computer for blogging, watching movies and backing up our pictures. It's worked really well for all of those purposes. The touch screen is a nice bonus as well!
On Our Wish List: These are things we wished we had while traveling, and will be purchasing for future trips.
1. Charging Port
Between our phones, GoPro, DLSR camera, and Kindles, we have a lot of devices that need charging. A multi-charging station will allow us to charge our devices even when we don't have electricity, making it perfect for treks or even long bus rides.
2. Packable Daypack
My parents actually just purchased this as an early Christmas present for us, and it's on its way to Korea at this very moment!
During our three months in South America, we used an old drawstring bag until it was fraying and coming apart completely. We saw other travelers with bags that had compartments but also stuffed down into nothing, and we knew we too needed one!
We are pretty darn excited for this to arrive. It will be perfect for hikes, weekend getaways, and longterm travel.
*See my full longterm packing list here.
What are your favorite travel items?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Adventure Korea: Caving & Bare-Handed Fishing
Winter is coming.
Well, I guess for everyone home in Minnesota, winter is already here! Sorry about that.
I have been craving one last weekend spent outdoors before it gets too cold to leave the warmth of my apartment.
After hearing about one such trip – a weekend of adventure caving, zip-lining, sky jumping, and bare-handed fishing – Ben and I were sold.
Well, I guess for everyone home in Minnesota, winter is already here! Sorry about that.
I have been craving one last weekend spent outdoors before it gets too cold to leave the warmth of my apartment.
After hearing about one such trip – a weekend of adventure caving, zip-lining, sky jumping, and bare-handed fishing – Ben and I were sold.
The trip was led by Adventure Korea, a
company that organizes trips around the country on a budget. Many of the
excursions include activities, festivals and experiences you wouldn’t easily be
able to plan on your own.
Two of our friends signed up as well and we eagerly awaited the excursion, unsure of what exactly to expect.
Watch a video of highlights from the weekend, and read about it below:
Day One
Our weekend started
Friday night at one in the morning when we boarded a night train bound
for Seoul. We got a few hours of shut-eye before arriving just after 4 a.m. and hung out in McDonald's (since it was the only heated area in the train station).
After a couple long, cold hours of waiting for the time to pass, we finally met up with the rest of our group. After everyone piled into the bus we began the three hour journey east of Seoul to Gangwon province.
Mountains rose above us in all directions and the bus windows fogged up from the combination of biting cold air outside and body heat from within.
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A scarf over the eyes is the best way to sleep! |
We arrived at a small village where we would be spending the weekend just before lunchtime. With a population of just 50 people, our group of forty nearly doubled the size of the town.
Fun Fact: The village we stayed at was in Pyeongchang county. This may sound familiar, as it is the location for the 2018 Winter Olympics!
After a delicious lunch, we changed into red jumpsuits and rubber boots, and strapped helmets on our heads. We were then ushered into a small boat that brought us to the cave entrance.
The next hour and a half was incredible. We walked, crawled, and shimmied through crevices and wide, gaping spaces in this other-worldly place.
We made our way past stalagmites and limestone formations. Our guide pointed out rocks that resembled an elephant, the Virgin Mary, and even, well... male genetalia. He also showed us tiny, almost microscopic "cave shrimp", as well as cave flowers, crystals and sleeping bats.
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Photo courtesy of Adventure Korea. |
It was all pretty remarkable, but my favorite part was near the end of the tour. We reached a large, open area and took a seat. It seemed almost as if we were in an auditorium and we were sitting on the stage.
Our guide instructed everyone to turn off their headlamps so we could experience complete darkness.
I've experienced darkness, I thought to myself as the lights flicked off one by one.
I've experienced darkness, I thought to myself as the lights flicked off one by one.
But this was an entirely different kind of darkness than that which nighttime brings.
There were no shadows or silhouettes. You could not make out any shapes. There was no difference when your eyes were open from when they were closed. I waved my hand in front of my face and saw nothing.
Complete and absolute darkness.
Complete and absolute darkness.
We sat there in silence for five minutes, but I could have stayed longer. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced.
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It was a good thing they gave us jumpsuits, because all the crawling on the cave floors left us pretty dirty! |
While half of the group went zip-lining, we explored the aquarium in the town. After a 3D video, we walked past tanks of freshwater fish and turtles.
The most interesting part of the aquarium was a tank full of "doctor fish" - yes, these little guys are famous in Southeast Asia for nibbling the dead skin cells off the feet of backpackers and locals alike.
There were small openings in the tank though which you could stick your fingers. The sensation of their tiny suction cup mouths snacking away on my cuticles was pretty bizarre, yet surprisingly addicting.
Bare-Handed Trout Fishing
Hailing from Minnesota, "the land of 10,000 lakes", I've caught my fair share of fish. But never have I tried fishing with my bare hands!
Our guide led us down to a small canal filled with fish. When I heard we were fishing, I was imagining a stream. This scenario, however, definitely seemed like an easier option.
The canal was stocked with forty trout – just about one for each person in the group. It certainly seemed that the odds were in our favor.
Sorry, fishies.
After shedding our shoes and socks, and rolling up our sleeves, we waited on the edge of the water for the signal to hop in. Our guide counted us down from three, and on cue, we all jumped into the icy water.
About to jump in... |
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Yes, it was that cold! |
The problem was that
every time I grabbed onto one of their squishy, slimy bodies, they slipped out
of my grip – partly because they are quick, but mostly because I became scared
of hurting them and didn’t hold tightly enough.
I guess my luck is better
with a line and hook, but I had so much fun that I’m determined to try again someday.
The sight of forty grown
adults screaming and splashing around in icy cold water was absolutely worth the freezing limbs.
Lucky for us, some people were actually pretty skilled at catching fish with their hands. We had a feast later that night! |
Lunch on our first day |
On some organized trips, attention is paid to the activities, but the food consists of meager helpings of mystery meat and soggy vegetables.
This was not the case with Adventure Korea.
We ate well all weekend, but the clear winner of the meals was dinner Saturday night.
This was not the case with Adventure Korea.
We ate well all weekend, but the clear winner of the meals was dinner Saturday night.
Gun bae! (That's "cheers" in Korean, in case you're wondering) |
We collectively decided that it was one of the best meals we have had so far in Korea.
Night Safari
The activities didn't stop after dinner.
We bundled up and packed into two electric buses. We were each given a set of headphones and we could listen as the guide told us where to look for the best chance of seeing wildlife. We each got a go looking though infrared and night-vision binoculars.
Though it was rather quiet, we did eventually spot two wild boars taking a drink from the stream.
We returned to a giant bonfire and forty aluminum foil packages roasting atop the grates alongside sweet potatoes. That's right - while we were away, our fish from earlier in the day was prepared and grilled for us!
We returned to a giant bonfire and forty aluminum foil packages roasting atop the grates alongside sweet potatoes. That's right - while we were away, our fish from earlier in the day was prepared and grilled for us!
I was still quite full from dinner, but the trout looked so delicious I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and joined in with the rest of the group in devouring our catch.
Man oh man, it was good!
One group member passed around a bag of marshmallows he had purchased on the US Army base in Seoul. Yes, I was beyond full at this point, but marshmallows are a rarity in Korea and I couldn't pass up this little taste of home. I skewered mine on a chopstick and roasted it until golden, gooey perfection.
Our home for the weekend was a beautiful pension (guesthouse) with a full kitchen and more than enough space for the seven of us staying there. We turned on the ondol (floor heating) right away, and enjoyed the warmth all night long.
The pension from the outside... |
...and on the inside. |
After breakfast on the second morning, we set off on a hike into the nearby mountains. Fog hung low, but as we neared the lookout point, sunlight started to peek from behind the clouds. We reached a clearing in the thick trees from which we could overlook the winding river in the valley below.
After adequate time for everyone in the group to take selfies, we hiked back down the mountain, our legs calf-deep in crunchy leaves.
Zip-lining and Sky Jump
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Sunshine + zip-lining. A pretty good combination, if you ask me! |
Once we reached the platform by zip-line, we jumped the 50 feet (15 meters) to the ground. Don't worry though, the "sky jump" apparatus created tension so the jump was a soft one.
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Sky jump |
This trip is called "Adventure Caving and Zip Lining" and is offered in October and November. The cost of the trip is 85,000 won – an incredible deal for transportation, activities, accomodation and 4 meals.
For more information on this trip and other adventures, visit Adventure Korea's website.
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